Water way with grassy shores with sky and clouds reflecting on water.

City of Redwood City

EIR Management and Mnd and Downtown Shadow Studies

M-Group was hired by Redwood City to manage the Laurel Way subdivision project and preparation of the Environmental Impact Report in 2008. The project site consisted of 5.1 acres, zoned Residential Hillside. The project included the re-subdivision of 20 sub-standard lots and a Planned Development application for 18 single-family homes with roadway, utility and drainage control improvements.

The Environmental Impact Report identified potentially significant impacts in all CEQA categories except Land Use and Planning & Population and Housing. M-Group worked closely with the City and EIR consultant to develop a Reduced Floor Area Alternative as the Preferred Alternative, which included an allowable floor area ratio based on average lot slope.

In addition, M-Group developed shadow policies for Redwood City’s new Downtown Precise Plan. The plan encouraged development by allowing for large buildings as tall as twelve stories, but it was an important goal to ensure that shadows from new development would not overly impact public open spaces and historic buildings. M-Group worked with City staff to analyze potential shadow impacts from the new development regulations, and developed policies and criteria that minimized negative impacts.